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App Icon Generator

Generate iOS and Android app icons in various sizes

App Icon Generator
Upload a 1024x1024px PNG image to generate icons for all platforms.

Drop your icon here

Square PNG or JPG, 1024x1024px recommended

iOS and macOS

Change file name for all generated Android images

How to use the generated icons:

For iOS:

  1. 1. Unzip the downloaded file
  2. 2. Drag the generated AppIcon.appiconset folder into your project
  3. 3. In your project navigator, locate the Assets.xcassets folder
  4. 4. Drag the generated AppIcon.appiconset folder into it
  5. 5. Xcode will automatically recognize and apply the app icons

For Android:

  1. 1. Unzip the downloaded file
  2. 2. Navigate to your Android project's app/src/main/res directory
  3. 3. Copy all the mipmap-* folders from the generated package
  4. 4. Paste them into your res directory, replacing existing ones if needed
  5. 5. Replace the existing icons in your project with the new ones

Store Submissions:

  • App Store: Use 1024x1024.png from AppIcon.appiconset
  • Play Store: Use playstore.png (512x512) from the root folder
  • Both stores also receive an appstore.png in the root for convenience

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